You often hear people saying...
"If only I could remove that bulge."
"I want to lose weight without my face looking gaunt."
"But I don't want to lose my breasts with more weight loss."
"No matter how much I exercise I do, I can't seem to shift that bulge".
Achieve all of this and more with Coolit Bodysculpting!
How does it work?
Step one
Fat cells are very sensitive to heat and cold, and the variation in temperature allows for a faster, more efficient elimination of them.
Step two
The synergy of the thermal shock leads to the destruction of fat cells. The adipocytes cannot survive and some are eliminated during the session. The rest are flushed away through the lymphatic system.
step three
This technique leads to a reduction of fat mass in the target area. Repeated treatments over the prescribed time period will remove the upper layers of fat.
Get your summer body today!
NO Needles
NO Incisions
NO Pain
NO Lengthy Discomfort
NO Uncomfortable Bodysuits
NO Down Time from Work